My people 2015

My people 2015

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No more "Girl Songs"

Ok I know I've posted a lot lately. I was going to make it five days before I did another one but this was just to irresistable. I had another great conversation with Braxton that is still making me laugh. Here's how it went, but first let me set the scene for you. We were in the car (Brax, Nati, and I) driving to my parents house. I had my ipod playing, Carrie Underwood to be exact, and this is what happened:
Brax: "uh Mom, this is a girl song. You know I don't like girl songs, change it."

Now I do know that he has issues with female singers for whatever reason, I just like to test the waters every now and then.

Me: "Alright you big baby." Slightly smiling while I change it to Nickelbacks "Far Away". I love this song so I figured I killed two birds with one stone. But oh, was I wrong.

Brax: "MOM!! Change it"

ME: "This isn't a girl singing, whats wrong now?"

Brax: "This is a guy singing about a girl and love, CHANGE IT NOW!!!!"

Me: Snickering in the front seat. Trying so hard not to bust out laughing knowing that it will only get worse if I do.

Brax: "MOM, stop laughing. I can hear you. And don't tell Dad. "

Ok, that's how it happened. It may not be so funny to you but hearing it in his cute tone of voice and being so serious was hysterical. Oh and I did have to change it to the Transformers song to appease him. If this is a taste of what I am in for later, Heaven help me!!


lovell said...

I would have started laughing out loud. That is so funny. I can't believe he really cares about stuff like that. He is cute

Danielle Thompson said...

They sure learn that whole "girl thing" early, don't they? Jace doesn't care what is on the radio in the car, as long as no one, and I mean NO ONE, sings along. He will scream "stop singing!" at the top of his lungs until everyone is silent. Sometimes I just turn the music up really loud and sing over his screaming--he can't win every battle!

Shavon said...

Can you hear me laughing?! He is the cutest EVER!

Magic Marker said...

I was laughing just reading the post! I love Nickelbacks "Far Away" song, and by the way there is the best Twilight video to that song on Youtube if you ever want to check it out:)

JoElle said...

How old is he? Too funny!