My people 2015

My people 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweet Grandpa Ned

This is my sweet Grandpa Ned with Braxton when he was about 9 months old. It is one of my all time favorite pictures. Grandpa is a classic old farmer: works from before sunrise until after sunset, has farmer language:), and he loves his family. I spent many, many summers at my grandparents house growing up. He would take us for rides on the tractor as he was hauling hay, take us all to Harts for refills, and chase us around the house when we slept over. I have great memories of fun times with this man. He is 84 and when asked everyday how he's doing he replies, "I'm alive" - every single time without fail. He had a pretty bad stroke about 3 weeks ago. He is still in the rehab unit at UVRMC working hard (as always) to get walking again, feed himself and just get around again. He scared us pretty good but in true form he's not giving up and making progress everyday. When it happened I was pretty down wondering if this year could get any worse, but after seeing him and how hard he is working I know it can get a lot worse & I need to just be grateful for all that I have. He is still being a great example to us and we all love him so much.


Danielle Thompson said...

So glad he is getting better...the older they get, the more you worry. Very sweet picture.

Kath said...

Cody's Nana had a stroke last May and I can so relate to what you are going through! I am so sorry! I am glad he is such a fighter - that is great. What a cute picture and I remember him well - what a sweet guy. I hope he continues to get well!

Katy said...

You are so nice to put up Jonny and Ang's link. The more people they can reach the better, as you know all to well.

Magic Marker said...

You're so lucky to still have your grandpa around, hopefully he will be fully recovered soon. My grandpa was a cattle man, rancher too and we loved his colorful language:)

brunger bunch said...

What a cute picture. I love the memories I have of my grandparents!