My people 2015

My people 2015

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Me with the kids. Jason was home working on the deck (details to come later).
Shavon & I.
Brax, Nati, Emma, Ashleigh, Dylan, Tyler, Easton & Kayla
Yes, this is the one Brax picked out.
Dylan and Kayla
Natalie, Ashleigh, and Easton

We went with Shavon and her kids to the pumpkin patch Monday night. It was a quick, easy, go- find-the-perfect-one night. Now Braxton is lining them all up on the front steps to "block the bad guys". I figured it was the perfect night because we had waited in line for almost 2 hours to get their H1N1 shots, which as of yesterday didn't help poor Dylan. He was diagnosed with it. He is quarantined to his room feeling like crap and we are all staying home and away from anyone. Jason came home yesterday with bottles of hand sanitizer and a huge thing of Clorox wipes. Now to catch up with cleaning everything and keep Dylan on the mend. It's ugly. My two nephews, Carter and Gavin, have had it and it lasted an entire week. For now we will think on our fun night of pumpkin hunting!!


Danielle Thompson said...

It's everyhwere...2 of my nieces have been diagnosed and we're pretty sure their brothers had it too. So not fun. Pumpkin patch pics are so cute! Nothing like pickin' out your own pumpkin.

brunger bunch said...

So truly sucks to be sick. I hope he gets better really soon! Cute pics at the pumkin patch:)

lovell said...

Your poor little guy. How is he doing? How is your Grandpa? You will have to let me know. Looks like you and Shavon had a fun time at the pumpkin patch.

Magic Marker said...

You guys did a pumpkin patch trip too! Looks fun:) I love your deck, it looks great! Hope your little guy gets better:)