My people 2015

My people 2015

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nati's Princess Tea Party

Our little Miss Nati Beth turned 6 this last week. And what to joyous occassion it was. She has been so excited for her birthday. We had a princess tea party for her with her little friends. Some might say that I went a little overboard but in all honesty I used a lot of things from old YW activities. It's a good thing I kept it all:) The girls decorated little jewelry boxes with princess stickers then went over to the Pretty Princess Station to fill their boxes with a necklace, earrings, nail polish, hairs clips and elastics, bracelets, tiara and rings. They loved it!! Then we had our tea (pink lemonade) and sandwiches. It was a huge success and Nati even got me to dress up as well. I borrowed a dress & tiara from one of the YW and Nati loved it! I can't believe my baby is 6. I keep telling her to stop growing up but..... she doesn't seem to be listening. She got a new Barbi light up scooter, a new Belle dress, a toy dog that she can walk around on its leash and lots of fun toys. Basically, she got spoiled. We are so very blessed to have her and love every day with her. Happy Birthday my baby girl!

1 comment:

Katy said...

How fun! I can't believe she is 6!!